UPSSSC Junior Engineer JE 2017 Exam Syllabus

General Hindi & English
General Intelligence Test, General Knowledge & Computer Knowledge
10030002:30 hours
Paper-IIEngineering12537502:00 hours
Exam Syllabus :-
UPSSSC JE & Technical Posts Syllabus is as follows :
General Hindi : उक्त भाग में अभ्यर्थियों से हिंदी भाषा के ज्ञान, समझ तथा लेखन योग्यता संबंधी प्रश्न पूछे जाएंगे। यह भाग उत्तर प्रदेश माध्यमिक शिक्षा परिषद की हाई स्कूल परीक्षा अथवा समकक्ष परीक्षा के स्तर का होगा।
अलंकार, रस, समास, पर्यायवाची, विलोम, तत्सम एवं तदभव, सन्धियां, वाक्यांशों के लिए शब्द निर्माण, लोकोक्तियाँ एवं मुहावरे, वाक्य संशोधन – लिंग, वचन, कारक, वर्तनी, त्रुटि से सम्बंधित अनेकार्थी शब्द।
General English : In this part, questions related to Knowledge of English language and writing ability will be asked. Questions from this part will be standard of 12th class of UP Board or equivalent.
Spot the Error, Fill in the Blanks, Synonyms, Antonyms, Spelling/Detecting mis-spelt words, Idioms & phrases, One Word Substitution, Improvement of Sentences etc.
General Intelligence Test : The purpose of this is the ability to test the candidate’s understanding of a new situation, analyze and identify its various elements. Questions in this test will be based on the Understanding and explore instructions, relationships, similarities, consistent, conclusions and actions etc.
General Knowledge : This part of question paper is to assess the candidates’ ability regarding general knowledge about his/her surroundings and about its use in society. In this test such a question which will be kept to check current events and everyday science and the facts of experience which may include historical and geographical facts. (Specially Related to India) and judged them to the knowledge of the scientific aspects, which can be expected of any educated person.
Computer Knowledge : In this part questions will asked related to Peripheral Device, Number System, Memory, Internet, Modem, Operating System, Languages, MS Office, MS Word, MS Excel, E-mail etc.
